07 March 2010

Bringing an End to Public Funding of Quack Medicine

If you think homeopathy is harmless (the potions are either
just plain water or sugar pills) then think of this
the NHS spends money on these so-called remedies. (The Government doesn't know exactly how much, but estimates are in the millions.)
This is money that could be used to pay for life saving drugs
that are being denied to cancer patients & others
because the NHS deem the treatments too expensive.
If that doesn't convince you - think about the
emergency rooms that are being closed across the
nation due to a lack of enough funds.
Please look at the report just released by the
Parliament Science & Technology Select Committee here:


If you are a resident or citizen of the UK - Please
sign the petition.


The petition was created by Dave Cross and reads:

'We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Implement
the recommendations of the House Commons Science and Technology
committee evidence check on Homeopathy.'

Thanks to 10:23 for the email updates.

UPDATE: NHS Scotland has withdrawn the funding. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-11475061