31 January 2011


Betelgeuse - that far away red sun giant that is near the end of it's life, that is probably more than 600 light years away. Apparently it's hard to measure the distance due to its atmosphere, Phil Plait of the Bad Astronomy . blog calls it puffy. Read his blog explaining the recent controversy and why it's going nova is not something to be worried about.

So what does all this have to do with me? Well I have this photo on my Flicker account that I took way back in '09 in Leigh on Sea. It's a view of the graveyard from the tower of the church of  St Clements. It started getting hits on it Jan 22nd. Today I thought to look at the stats - 14 hits since then (all from Google) - previously there were only 9 hits for the entire time.  It's gotta be the whole (non) controversy over it exploding - so thank you, you fear mongering media for getting people to look at my photos.


Now off I go to put a link to Phil Plait's blog on the photo.

14 January 2011

Care - Not Miracles

On Facebook yesterday The Orlando Sentinel posted this: Gabrielle Giffords' recovery 'nothing short of a miracle' and a  link to the following video/article:

Wasserman Schultz: Giffords' recovery 'nothing short of a miracle'

During the statement Rep Wasserman Shultz said “This is a woman who has more determination & will than ah, than anyone I know, this is not a surprise coming from Gabby Gifford.”
Then later she attributes this to nothing short of a miracle?

Rep Wasserman Schulz here are the reasons for your so-called miracle. It was a crack team of specialists & care workers at the University Medical Center.
Rainer Gruessner, MD, head of the University of Arizona College of Medicine Department of Surgery, praised the great work of the trauma team at UMC in Tucson and said when the tragedy happened, “we were ready and we were able to deliver in a way that is going to make our community and the state proud.”

Peter Rhee, MD, MPH, medical director of University Medical Center’s Trauma and Critical Care and professor of surgery at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Department of Surgery.

G. Michael Lemole Jr., MD, a leading authority on skull base surgery and section chief of neurosurgery at the UA Department of Surgery, who performed surgery on Rep. Giffords.

James M. Ecklund, MD, medical director of neurosciences, Inova Health System; medical director of neurosurgery, Inova Health System; chairman, Department of Neurosciences, Inova Fairfax Hospital, said the care Rep. Giffords received saved her life.

“Everything we’ve seen reflects the highest quality care,” Dr. Ecklund said. “Dr. Rhee’s team’s aggressive resuscitation and Dr. Lemole’s team’s precise surgical intervention saved her life. Her ICU care is equally outstanding, providing the optimum environment for brain healing.”

Col. Geoffrey Ling, MD, PhD, interim chair of neurology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, canceled a mission to Afghanistan to consult on Rep. Gifford’s case. He also reiterated the seriousness of her injury.

“She was shot. The bullet did enter her skull; the bullet did traverse through her brain and then exited out the back leaving behind some fragments of bone, so she is critically ill,” Dr. Ling said. “The good news is that she is, in fact, thriving under the very good - excellent - care here at the University of Arizona.”

From family members of others that were also injured in the shooting: Jenny Douglas and Crissi Blake said their father, Ronald Barber, Tucson district director for Rep. Giffords, is doing well after a six-hour surgery on Saturday and a second surgery yesterday morning.

“We expect him to be released from the ICU on Thursday,” Jenny Douglas said. “On behalf of my dad and rest of our family, we would like to give our heart-felt thanks to our extended family, friends and the community as a whole for the overwhelming support we have received. Specifically, we would like to thank all of the UMC staff, doctors, nurses and patient care technicians who have been lovingly caring for our dad and our family these past days. The level of care, compassion and professionalism is truly exceptional.”

“He is healing incredibly well,” added Crissi Blake. “His pain is being managed by his nursing staff and he’s expected to make a full recovery so we are really happy about that.”

Bill Hileman, whose wife, Susan, is still recovering at UMC, said there have been many heroes involved and thanked the emergency room personnel and every nurse, orderly and doctor that he’s met so far.
“I’m so impressed with the quality of care we’re getting from this institution and the quality of people, how they operate and the care they take for the feelings and sensitivities of those of us going through this,” he said.
Fritz Simon read a statement written by his mother, Pam Simon, community outreach coordinator for Congresswoman Giffords who also was injured Saturday. She specifically thanked Randall S. Friese, MD, trauma surgeon and associate professor of surgery at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Department of Surgery.

“The wounds inflicted are healing, thanks to the amazing care of the doctors and staff here at the University Medical Center and I would especially like to thank Dr. Friese.